The shortest part of our Patagonian road trip was the drive from El Chalten to El Calafate. The distance between El Chalten and El Calafate is just 213km which took us about 2.5 hours to drive. The road is good quality, all paved. Google maps estimates 3:20 hours for the trip which is not correct. You can do it inside 3 hours.
There is a gas station at the edge of El Chalten which is run from a shipping container and takes cash only. We filled up there, then we followed Ruta 41 all the way to the junction where we took Ruta 40 to El Calfate. There are no gas station between the two towns unless you take a detour towards Tres Lagos. That gas station is cash only too so you only really need to go there if there are no petrol in El Chalten. The drive was generally uneventful, one weird thing though that El Calafate has actually two police checkpoints just outside of town. I have compiled a road video from the gopro footage I took on the way to feature the nicest moments of the ride.
…and a few photos we took…
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